After being interrupted last year by a snowstorm that turned out to be a dud, St. John’s annual Pancake Supper was back Mar. 4 to mark Shrove Tuesday. Pictures inside …
Get ready for Trivia Night!
Events for Lent, Confirmations, and more
Pancake Supper coming Mar. 4
Upcoming events at Glastonbury Abbey
Monday, Jan. 13, 7 p.m.: What Do We (I) Really Believe? with Fr. Timothy Joyce, OSB. This month’s topic is “Celebrating the Eucharist.” Join Fr. Timothy virtually in his monthly conversations about faith, doubt, and belief. Only goodwill and openness to share and listen are needed. Registration is required.*
Thursday, Jan. 16, 7:15 p.m.: Listening to Other Voices, Rev. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones, “Prayer as Soul Talk: An Enriching Practice for Spiritual Engagement.” Rev. Dr. Jones will share practices to enable us to engage, enliven and embrace the conversations we can have with our souls.
Presented in person and online (registration is required). All are welcome!*
Jan. 20–24: A New Year Guided Retreat, “Loving Our Becoming” Facilitated by: Patricia Laliberte, Oblate OSB and Denise Patts, Oblate OSB. Through creative methods, prayer and meditation we will explore the questions Where have I been? Where am I Going? Spend this time with scissors, paste and paper as you create a Life Map. Let the prayer time at Glastonbury help you unfold a view for your future. In person only. Suggested donation $450 includes 4-nights’ accommodation and meals. Please register by Jan 15th.*
Jan. 21, 28 & Feb. 11: “From Languishing to Flourishing...” with John Sheff. Do you wake up ready to start your day or would you rather go back to sleep? Do you have a sense of purpose, or do you find much of your day to feel meaningless? Based on your answers, you already may have an idea of where you might be on the languishing flourishing continuum. Presented in person and online (registration required).*
Jan. 31–Feb. 2: Resting in God, a Meditation Retreat, Facilitated by: Karen Casale, Oblate OSB and Jean McDonald, Oblate OSB. This in person only, weekend retreat will offer the opportunity to set aside the busyness of a noisy world and return to stillness, listening, prayer, and meditation. Suggested donation $250 includes 2-nights’ accommodation and meals. Please register by Jan 27th.*
*To register or for more information go to: Call 781-749-2155 ext. 300 with any questions.
Annual General Meeting is Jan. 26
Save the date of Jan. 26 for our Annual General Meeting!
Please plan to attend after church for a light lunch, hear about highlights of the year, plans for next year, elect vestry members, and approve next year’s budget.
What to do with the kids? Not to worry: we have Munsey’s Magic coming to entertain them in Lower Weld! Reviews of Jim Munsey are fantastic, people say “he’s awesome,” “a must-see” and gets “lots of laughs and wows.” It should be a great experience!
Holiday Boutique—That’s a Wrap
The 2024 Holiday Boutique was a great success thanks to the many hands, and generous hearts that contributed to the Church’s largest fundraiser.
A huge thank you to the 170+ volunteers who offered their time to plant bulbs, donate items for the Café, set-up, drop yard signs, and staff events.
We could not do it without you!
Some exciting numbers to share for this year’s Boutique include:
1,000 Shoppers through the Church doors on Saturday
60 Yard signs planted
170+ Volunteers
37 Leaders who brought their enthusiasm, ideas, and can-do spirit
15+ St. John’s Youth who were instrumental in running the Boutique
27 Vendor participants
$45,000 fundraising profit to St. John’s, including our best Auction ever!
Countless Prayers of Thanksgiving for all who contributed!
Save the Date!
2025 Holiday Boutique
Silver Jubilee 25th Anniversary
November 22 & 23, 2025
Holiday Boutique Cocktail Party
RSVP today for the chance to shop and socialize with your fellow parishioners at the annual Holiday Boutique Cocktail Party, just one week away, next Friday, Nov. 22! The event features a live auction with some amazing items. This year, place bids on some exciting experiences like a week on Cape Cod, a stay in Stowe, Vt., hotel rooms in Chatham and Nantucket, tickets to the Celtics and Bruins, and more! You won’t want to miss out!
Please purchase your tickets using the link below, or contact Nancy in the office to RSVP and send in a check. See you there!
Holiday Boutique returns Nov. 22-23
Holiday Boutique 2024! A beloved St. John’s and South Shore tradition, this year’s 24th Annual Holiday Boutique will be held on Saturday, Nov. 23 and as always, the Cocktail Party will be held on the eve of the Boutique on Friday, Nov. 22. As in past years, we need many volunteers to support this annual event and we have opportunities for people of all ages to get involved.
The online volunteer signup link is live! Please sign up here:
If you have any questions about getting involved please reach out to Jenn GaySmith or (617) 548-2434. Thank you so much for kicking off the 2024 holiday season by volunteering at this festive fundraiser and cherished annual tradition!
Cocktail Party Tickets on sale now!
Don’t miss St. John’s biggest social gathering of the year! Purchase your Cocktail Party Tickets here:
Holiday Boutique Yard Signs
’Tis the season to deck the streets with Holiday Boutique Signs! If you hosted a Holiday Boutique sign in your yard last year, please let Elizabeth Moulds know if you do NOT want one again, or if you moved. If you’d like to host a sign on a street that has good visibility, please contact Elizabeth. Fa la la la la, la la la la!
Needlepoint Breakfast
Have you ever wondered what the Needlepoint Guild is, what we do, who we are? Are you interested in stitching, would like to learn, or even if you aren’t interested at all, but would enjoy the company? Please join us for Breakfast Saturday, Nov. 2, at 9:30 in Upper Weld Hall. RSVP to Wendy Ellison or Allison Marshall.
Blessing of the pets
All creatures great and small are invited to a Pet Blessing on Sunday, October 6 at 5 p.m. on the Church front lawn. Bring your pet to be blessed and please consider a donation to Hurricane Helene Relief, through the Scituate Animal Shelter.
Suggested items include:
For humans:
Clothing: socks, t-shirts, underwear
Baby wipes
Cleaning supplies
For pets:
Unopened bags of pet food
Canned pet food
Cat litter
Bowls in new condition
Save the Dates: Not-So-Spooky Haunted House Returns
Are you ready for some Not-So-Spooky fun?
We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help bring our 7th annual Not-So-Spooky Haunted House to life once again this year! There’s a role for everyone, whether you are 8 or 98, so please join us in welcoming the community for this special event on four nights: October 18, 19, 25 & 26. Sign up today and let’s make this the most fun-filled haunted house ever!
Questions? Please reach out to Kaja and Dan Fickes and look for the Haunted House table at coffee hour through September.
Meet the new Rector!
Father Ed+ and Devon have been nestling into the Rectory and are very excited to spend more time with their St. John’s community! Please take a look at the following opportunities over the next few months to gather in small groups for fellowship and conversation. The Rector Transition Team is coordinating several “meet and greets” in the Thayer Room for coffee, breakfast treats or wine and light nibbles. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Sara Dickison Taylor and use the sign-up link below.
Father Ed+ and Devon look forward to seeing many of you!
Thurs., Sept. 19 from 10–11:30 a.m.—Coffee and Conversation in the Thayer Room
Thurs., Sept. 26 from 7–8:30 p.m.—Wine and Nibbles in the Thayer Room
Tues., Oct. 8 from 9:30–11 a.m.—Coffee and Conversation in the Thayer Room
Wed., Oct. 23 from 7–8:30 p.m.—Wine and Nibbles in the Thayer Room
Tues., Oct. 29 from 7–8:30 p.m.—The Powers’ home in South Weymouth
Thurs., Nov. 7 from 7–8:30 p.m.—Wine and Nibbles in the Thayer Room
Thurs., Nov. 14 from 10–11:30 a.m.—Coffee and Conversation
The Rector Transition Committee
—Sara Dickison Taylor, Jenn GaySmith, and Elizabeth Moulds
24th Annual Holiday Boutique
It may not feel much like winter outside but St. John’s is already hard at work planning for our 2024 Holiday Boutique (it’s our 24th year!), which will take place on Friday, November 22 and Saturday, November 23.
Vendor selection is in full swing and we’d like to extend an invitation to any interested vendors to apply now for this year’s show! The deadline is September 10th, but we invite vendors on a rolling basis so we encourage anyone interested to apply early! Please click here for more information and to apply.