Our Mission
To help our fellow children of God, near and far, through compassionate service and thoughtful financial support
What We Do
The Outreach Committee coordinates and promotes parish activities that offer care to those in need outside of the St. John’s community. The committee’s responsibilities include the distribution and stewardship of financial contributions in line with the vestry-allocated annual budget, and the search, coordination and promotion of impactful volunteer activities for all age parishioners. The Outreach Committee supports existing outreach ministries and assists in the creation of new ministries.
The committee meets around five times a year and new members are always welcome.
For more information, to share an Outreach idea, volunteer for one of the initiatives below, or join the Outreach Committee, contact Outreach Chair Chrissy Roberts.
Organizations Supported
Blue Hills Healthy Families – Angel Tree gift recipient
Epiphany School - After school dinner prep & serving
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)
Friends of the Homeless of the South Shore
Hingham Interfaith Pantry
Interfaith Social Services
Wellspring and the Wellspring Diane Edson Fund
Cohasset Appalachia Service Project
B-Safe St. Stephen’s Summer Program
Laundry Love (in Hull & Weymouth)
Quincy Family Resource Center
Weymouth Food Pantry
Changemakers Youth Initiative (various recipients)
Bold indicates organizations and efforts that provide the opportunity for personal involvement by parishioners over the course of the year. Most require only 4-5 committed hours of effort during the course of a year.
Ongoing Volunteer Initiatives
Laundry Love
In January 2017, St. John’s started a local Laundry Love in partnership with SuperWash, a laundromat in Hull, and Wellspring Multiservice Center. In 2019, we expanded our reach with a second location in Weymouth. Volunteers from St. John’s are needed to be on hand to facilitate payment for the machines and distribution of soap.
No experience is necessary! Read more about the national Laundry Love program here.
Contact: Laundry Love
2024 dates:
Jan 22, Feb 26, March 25, April 22, May 20*, June 24, July 22, Aug 26, Sept 23, Oct 28, Nov 25, Dec 16*
* Third Monday due to holiday
Epiphany School Dinners
Once again this year, St. Johns will prepare and serve dinners at The Epiphany school in Dorchester. This is a great opportunity for members of the Parish to assist in a very meaningful manner.
Carpools are generally organized. If you are interesting in helping on one of these dates please contact Nancy Goldthwait. Occasionally, we also get a call to serve last minute so if you’d like to be on a list of “last-minute” helpers please let Nancy know.
Ongoing Food CollectionS
Please click here for the most up-to-date on food collection for our food pantry partners.
Free. is an ongoing ministry offered by St. John the Evangelist in Hingham, MA. The mission of Free. is to provide menstrual hygiene products to anyone in need. Products to support this biological function are an added expense placed on many who are already financially insecure. These products are not covered by benefits. This gap in need and coverage imposes yet another barrier to equity in education and employment as many are forced to miss school or work during their period. Contact: Free.Hingham@gmail.com Please click here to donate to Free.
Yearly Initiatives
Appalachia Service Project Trip
Each year, our Youth who have completed 9th grade and older are invited to take part in a weeklong trip to the hills of Appalachia, volunteering through the Cohasset Appalachia Service Project, building and fixing homes for people who are not able to do so themselves. The trip is a favorite with the youth, and it is full of fun, fellowship, and hard work, all framed in the Christian commandment to love your neighbor, especially those in need. Parishioner David Clinton is a long-time participant and current center leader. Contact Dave at aspbuckey@gmail.com
Visit the Cohasset ASP website to learn more or sign up!
B-Safe is a summer program for kids run by St. Stephen's in Boston. Every year we help out for a week by bringing in lunches into Boston twice and hosting the kids one day at the church for games and fun.
Each year we pick an Outreach project to coincide with the Lenten education series. Most recently, as the education series focused on learning the bible, we collected money to purchase bibles for areas devastated by natural disasters. In other years we collected money to purchase mosquito nets to prevent malaria deaths, and gift cards to purchase supplies to help combat poverty and hunger.
Backpack and School Supply Drive
St. John’s sponsors a backpack and school supply drive for South Shore youth in need to be distributed by the Quincy Family Resource Center. The collection runs in late August through early September.
Each Christmas we collect over 100 needs from various local organizations and create tags with item descriptions we hang on a tree in the entryway. Parishioners select as many tags as they would like and return the items by the date indicated on the tag. Examples include specific toys for the Quincy Family Resource Center, Dunkin Donuts gift cards for St. Stephens, books for the Sanger Center, socks, hats, mitten and movie gift cards for Wellspring, and Target/Walmart gift cards for Blue Hills Healthy Families.
MLK meal packing event (open to Hingham community)
Mother’s Day Walk for Peace
Boutique door proceeds - these are traditionally donated to the Cohasset Appalachia Service Project.
Roxbury tutoring
Homes for Our Troops