Pancake Supper coming Mar. 4

Save the date of Tuesday, Mar. 4 for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We will gather at 5:30 p.m. for pancakes (including gluten-free), bacon, and sausage, followed by the traditional pancake races and burying of the Alleluias. Then we’ll head outside to burn the palms in preparation for Ash Wednesday. Please RSVP here to participate. We would like to get a head count as soon as possible for food planning. We’d love for you to invite friends! A donation of $5 per person with a cap of $20 per family is suggested to help defray costs.

The evening is organized by St. John’s Men’s Group. This group is a great way to connect with other men in the parish, have fun, and find opportunities to get involved in the parish community. The group meets on the third Wednesday or Thursday of each month at a local establishment or the home of a parishioner. Please email Mike Holtschlag for more information or to volunteer to help with the Pancake Supper.