
Creation Care update

Monarch butterfly on echinacea

Creation Care has two opportunities to help care for our planet this weekend:

  • On Saturday, Sept. 21, join St. John’s Green Guardians to add a few new plant species to our pollinator garden. Some plants are best introduced in the fall and diversity will strengthen our garden and attract pollinators until winter. Bringing your own gloves and trowel is helpful, and no prior experience is needed! We will also discuss future plans for the garden. 

  • On Sunday, Sept. 22, our Ministry will gather for its first formal planning meeting. Join us to discuss how we can continue “greening” St. John’s including updates to our building and improving our outdoor spaces. We will also discuss liturgical resources on climate and how we educate our Parish and the wider community on issues of environmental concern.

We still have a few dates available to water, please sign up here:

Save the Dates: Not-So-Spooky Haunted House Returns

Are you ready for some Not-So-Spooky fun?

We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help bring our 7th annual Not-So-Spooky Haunted House to life once again this year! There’s a role for everyone, whether you are 8 or 98, so please join us in welcoming the community for this special event on four nights: October 18, 19, 25 & 26. Sign up today and let’s make this the most fun-filled haunted house ever!

Questions? Please reach out to Kaja and Dan Fickes and look for the Haunted House table at coffee hour through September. 

Make a joyful noise to the Lord!

Do you like to sing? Fall is a great time to join St. John's Choir. If you can carry a tune, you can sing in the choir. Bonus points if you can read music or have choral experience! All voice parts are welcome, especially tenors and basses. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Contact Buffy Gray, Organist-Choirmaster, for more information during coffee hour or by email.

Does your child like to sing? Children in grades 3 through 8 are invited to join St. John's Choristers for musical education through singing and lots of fun. Rehearsals are on Tuesday afternoons at 4:00. Second-graders who are advanced readers and have a long attention span are welcome, too. Contact Buffy Gray, Organist-Choirmaster, for more information during coffee hour or by email.

Be an Acolyte!

Serving at the altar is especially rewarding and incredibly educational, not to mention fun!

We are looking for young folks to fill in the ranks of our acolytes. Typically acolytes age between 9 years old through high school, but we have had acolytes as young as 7 or 8 depending on the individual.

If you would like to try your hand at this ministry, we ask that you try three Sundays to start. Please contact Tom Daley, David Clinton, or Will Buckley and let us know, or even better, show up at 9:30 any Sunday morning and ask to give it a try. We can use as many as 7 acolytes on a typical Sunday morning!