Becoming Beloved Community

South Shore Deanery Sacred Ground Series: An Invitation

It’s hard to watch the news these days and not feel helpless and heartbroken about the state of race relations in America. Yet this is not a new story. Indeed, the current divisiveness and fissures across lines of perceived difference in our country have resulted in fear, indifference toward one another rather than understanding and acceptance.

This year, we invite our siblings in the South Shore Deanery to participate in a journey over the sacred ground of racial introspection and reconciliation. It won’t be an easy walk, but it will be a transformative one. We hope you will give serious consideration to participating in Sacred Ground, a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race.

We will walk through the chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity.

This 11-part series, put together by the Episcopal Church and co-led by St. John the Evangelist parishioners Dr. Holly Carter and Dr. Caitlin Slodden with facilitated small group discussions, is built around a powerful in-person and online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories.

This is not intended as a series to make white people feel bad about themselves. Rather, it is a chance to look at hard, often minimized truths about race and culture in a world that so desperately needs racial healing and understanding. Participating in Sacred Ground is a tangible way to engage our continuing struggle with racial identity and difference in the context of our lives as fellow children of God.

We won’t leave with all the answers and perhaps it will only raise more questions. But when we view such an educational opportunity as a first step towards greater reconciliation, God is praised and our potential to serve agents of healing is realized.

Our Sacred Ground series will be offered in hybrid format with in-person sessions held on Sundays at 12:30–2 p.m. at The Parish of St. John the Evangelist (172 Main St., Hingham), beginning on Feb. 9. The virtual sessions will be held on Monday evenings 7–8:30 p.m. beginning on Feb. 10. Both the in-person and virtual series will begin with a brief presentation followed by small and whole group discussions. Recognizing that schedules are complicated, we are asking those participating in this program to attempt to attend all 11 sessions, as the group aspect is an important component. If you are interested in serving as a facilitator for the small group discussions, training sessions will be scheduled during the weeks of Jan. 26 or Feb. 2.

For additional information or questions about this program, and, most importantly to sign up for the in-person or virtual Sacred Ground series send an email to or contact Holly Carter at 617-610-8508. We ask that you sign up by Jan. 19, 2025. There is a 40-person limit for the in-person sessions and a 30-person limit for the virtual sessions.