Glastonbury Abbey

Upcoming events at Glastonbury Abbey

Monday, Jan. 13, 7 p.m.: What Do We (I) Really Believe? with Fr. Timothy Joyce, OSB. This month’s topic is “Celebrating the Eucharist.” Join Fr. Timothy virtually in his monthly conversations about faith, doubt, and belief. Only goodwill and openness to share and listen are needed. Registration is required.*

Thursday, Jan. 16, 7:15 p.m.: Listening to Other Voices, Rev. Dr. Kirk Byron Jones, “Prayer as Soul Talk: An Enriching Practice for Spiritual Engagement.” Rev. Dr. Jones will share practices to enable us to engage, enliven and embrace the conversations we can have with our souls.

Presented in person and online (registration is required). All are welcome!*

Jan. 20–24: A New Year Guided Retreat, “Loving Our Becoming” Facilitated by: Patricia Laliberte, Oblate OSB and Denise Patts, Oblate OSB. Through creative methods, prayer and meditation we will explore the questions Where have I been? Where am I Going? Spend this time with scissors, paste and paper as you create a Life Map. Let the prayer time at Glastonbury help you unfold a view for your future. In person only. Suggested donation $450 includes 4-nights’ accommodation and meals. Please register by Jan 15th.*

Jan. 21, 28 & Feb. 11: “From Languishing to Flourishing...” with John Sheff. Do you wake up ready to start your day or would you rather go back to sleep? Do you have a sense of purpose, or do you find much of your day to feel meaningless? Based on your answers, you already may have an idea of where you might be on the languishing flourishing continuum. Presented in person and online (registration required).*

Jan. 31–Feb. 2: Resting in God, a Meditation Retreat, Facilitated by: Karen Casale, Oblate OSB and Jean McDonald, Oblate OSB. This in person only, weekend retreat will offer the opportunity to set aside the busyness of a noisy world and return to stillness, listening, prayer, and meditation. Suggested donation $250 includes 2-nights’ accommodation and meals. Please register by Jan 27th.*

*To register or for more information go to: Call 781-749-2155 ext. 300 with any questions.