Running with a pancake on your spatula is harder than it sounds.
After being interrupted last year by a snowstorm that turned out to be a dud, St. John’s annual Pancake Supper was back Mar. 4 to mark Shrove Tuesday. Dozens of parishioners of all ages ventured to Lower Weld Hall to dine on pancakes served with sausages, bacon, and a variety of toppings. The festivities were sponsored by the Mens’ Group (with kitchen help from Daphne Ginn). Mike Holtschlag organized the event.
With their bellies full of flapjacks, the children and youth conducted relay races, doing their best to keep a pancake balanced on their spatula while tearing around Lower Weld at maximum speed.
After the fun and games, Fr. Ed led the participants in “burying the Alleluias.” Once the “A-words” were safely stashed, Dave Clinton helped Fr. Ed burn last year’s palms to form the ashes to be used on Ash Wednesday.
Here are some highlights from the event.