Dear Friends,
Please join us this Sunday, Jan. 26, for our 142nd Annual Parish Meeting, immediately following the 10 a.m. service in Upper Weld Hall. During our 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Eucharist, Fr. Ed will be presiding and The Rev. Canon Kelly O’Connell, our Regional Canon, will be preaching. Fr. Ed will then be presiding at his first Annual Meeting with St. John’s!
Annual Report & Financial Budget
Click here to view the full Annual Report. This contains reports from the Rector and Wardens, alongside individual reports from a large number of our Ministries and Committees. You will also find biographies of our nominees for the Vestry, minutes from last year’s 141st Annual Meeting, and the full set of documents that outline the parish’s financial position.
We invite you to review the documents electronically, and to either print or bring a copy on an electronic device to the meeting. As part of our Creation Care efforts, we will have only a limited number of printed copies available at the meeting.
Online participation and voting
While in-person attendance is the principal means by which our community will participate in the Annual Meeting, if you are unable to attend in-person, you may participate and vote virtually. If you wish to join via Zoom, please email Father Ed for a link to the meeting.
2024 Nominating Committee slate
Vestry nominee bios are available here, and on page 51 of the Annual Report.
Candidates for Election to Vestry Member (Three-Year Term):
Geoff Emerson
Nancy MacDonald
Michael Pizziferri
Candidates for Election to a One-Year Term:
Al Bernativisius, Clerk
Elsie Olin, Vestry Youth
Candidates for Re-election to a One-Year Term:
Jody Jones Turner, Senior Warden
Perrie O’Tierney-Ginn, Junior Warden
Skip Hull, Treasurer
Holly Carter, Delegate to Convention
Nina Leek, Delegate to Convention
Tom Pyles, Nominating Committee Chair
Sunday Brunch—All are invited!
The Annual Meeting is always accompanied by a wonderful brunch. Myriah Manley will prepare a magnificent soup, and contributions to the table and are welcome and encouraged. Please sign up below if you wish to bring a contribution and/or help with clean up.
We look forward to welcoming you to worship and to the meeting this Sunday!
With every prayer and blessing,
The Rev. Edward Thornley, Rector
Jody Jones Turner, Senior Warden
Perrie O’Tierney-Ginn, Junior Warden