Sunday School Update: Reviewing Dr. Martin Luther King

Dear St. John’s familes,

We had a great lesson about Martin Luther King, Jr. last Sunday and enjoyed having our special guest, Fr. Ed! Our discussion was about courage and how both Jesus and MLK exhibited this trait by standing up for what is right. We also talked about how we can all be courageous! A small act like trying a new vegetable or a bigger act of standing up for our friends are ways we can practice our courage. And we always have God to help us because he is there for us no matter what!

We have booked Jim Munsey of Munsey’s Magic to entertain the kids during Annual Meeting this week! The show will take place after church from 11:30–12:30 in Lower Weld. Lunch will be served and will include a gluten free option.

Munsey’s Magic is a fun-filled show packed with audience participation, comedy, surprises, magic, mystery, mentalism and more. Children will be delighted and adults will find themselves to be as surprised as they are fooled!

Other notes:

  • If you have a pageant costume at home, please return it as soon as possible so we may pack away the costumes for next year.

  • Do you have sewing skills? We are in need of a few more angel costumes for next year. They can be made from a simple pattern and material which we will provide! Let me know if interested.

Warm regards,


Alexis MacElhiney

Sunday School Director & Youth Coordinator