Christmas Pageant

From the Rector: Feeling the joy of Christmastide

Dear friends,

Audrey Farrell carries the Christmas Star down the aisle.

A very Happy Christmastide and New Year to you all. I trust that this note finds you well and sharing a good Christmas season as we move into the new year. It has been a good Christmas at St. John’s. Our worship throughout the season so far has been immensely joyful and full of hope; from our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Eucharists, from tots and toddlers to pageants, from midnight mass to baptisms, from joyful singing to the holy tarantula … Yes, I finally saw it, and I am very grateful. And for those who may be wondering what I am referring to, please see the photos and video of our pageant and the star which the shepherds and magi followed … It was very special, I must say.

One of the memories that I will take with me following our Christmas Eve worship was the final “scene” of our pageant. Again, if you watch the service again online, you’ll notice that during the hymn the whole “cast” gathers around the manger, featuring one of our parish family’s newborns! And as the characters gathered, the baby smiled, the tarantula-star hovered over, and the singing rang out, I had this wonderful realization of what makes this parish what it is, and what a gift it is to be here. There so much quirky (yet incredibly well controlled!) chaos, with so much laughter, smiles, and over four hundred people all zooming in on this one moment. It was not only one of the most worshipful moments I’ve witnessed in a pageant (that wasn’t a comment on the chaos, by the way), but one of the most delightful I’ve seen in such a service. It was pure joy. And, furthermore, there was hope.

Moments like this are significant for all of us. Indeed, as I’ve said elsewhere in this season, Christmas is not always the happiest or easiest time for everyone. In fact, for some it can be an unbearable season, and for important reasons. Without boring you with my life story (again … you’ve heard my sermons), Christmas isn’t the easiest season for me either. But what caught my attention the other day in church, as the pageant came to an end, was that this moment of jubilation didn’t distract from or water down the importance of the serious side of Christmas. If anything, it was a gentle, quirky sign of hope. Essentially, it helped me stop for a second and think, “Now I can see something new worth striving for.”

Brain Locke

Brian Locke

And so, here we are: 2025, a new year, and a lot of joy and change ahead. This Sunday, we will say farewell to Buffy Gray on the occasion of her retirement. On Monday, Brian Locke will begin as our interim organist and choirmaster. Over the next few weeks, we will also prepare for our annual meeting which will take place on Sunday, Jan. 26 after the 10 a.m. Eucharist. And from there, we will launch fully into the new year with a renewed vestry, and many plans and hopes for our future ministry. Wherever you are on your journey, I pray that you will find what you are looking for in this new year, and I hope that you will share your journey as part of this parish’s life.

Devon and I (and the cats!) send you all our greetings, prayers, and blessings for the new year.

With prayers for peace this Christmastide,


The Rev. Edward Thornley

Rector of The Episcopal Parish of St. John the Evangelist

Sunday School Update: Learning about Epiphany

Happy New Year, St. John’s families!

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday break! I want to thank all of our pageant participants for doing such a fabulous job with our brand new pageant, called Good News of Great Joy. It truly was a joy to watch our children re-tell the story of Jesus’ birth with such enthusiasm. I am so proud of their effort and confidence in performing in front of so many people! It is such a great way for them to learn the story. A special thanks to all of our helpers who made this pageant possible!

We are back to routine this Sunday and will be learning about the Epiphany! This is the feast day that celebrates the arrival of the Magi to see Jesus after his birth and marks the end of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

Warm regards,


Alexis MacElhiney

Alexis MacElhiney

Sunday School Director & Youth Coordinator

Christmas Pageant 2024 in pictures

The children of St. John’s debuted a new Christmas pageant production called “Good News of Great Joy” at the 4 p.m. service on Christmas Eve. The play, written by Alexis MacElhiney and co-directed by Alexis, Erin Farrell, and Tracy O’Sullivan, was well performed, and well received by the congregation that packed the sanctuary and overflowed into Upper Weld Hall.

Angel Madeleine Potts waits backstage.

Animals wait patiently in the wings.

Gracie Murphy, as Mary, scans the set.

Annabella Pimental narrates.

Annabella Pimental was the first narrator.

Gabriel (Daphne Ginn) delivers the good news to Mary (Gracie Murphy).

An innkeeper (Juliette Larocca) refers Joseph (Louisa Murphy) and Mary (Gracie Murphy) to a colleague who might have room for them.

Shepherds hear that a wonderful thing has happened and decide to check it out for themselves.

The angel of the Lord (Audrey Farrell) addresses the onlookers.

A host of angels sings glory to God.

The baby Jesus (Mackenna Ridill) is laid in the manger.

Addie Hulme narrates.

The star (Holy Tarantula) leads the wise men to Bethlehem.

Three wise men (Aaron Baker, Fox Clarke, Kyler Pimental) follow the star to find the newborn King.

All worship the newborn King.

Photos by Matthew Ginn

Sunday School Update: Pageant time!

Dear St. John’s families,

It’s almost pageant time! We had a great rehearsal this week and the kids are excited to showcase their talents telling the story of our Savior’s birth.

This Sunday we will be in Lower Weld (all together as one group) reviewing the Godly Play Advent lessons, rehearsing the pageant, and enjoying some festive snacks. Please note, we will stay downstairs during communion so we have more time to practice. You may pick up your children in Lower Weld after church.

We are also offering one more quick run-through (20–30 minutes) in the sanctuary after church for those kids who are interested in a little more practice in the actual space. Everyone should have a costume by now; if not, please let me know!

Please plan to arrive in costume and ready to go on Christmas Eve at 3 p.m. They will not need their costumes before then. We can’t wait to share this new pageant with our church family!

Merry Christmas and I hope you all have a wonderful celebration!



Alexis MacElhiney

Sunday School Director & Youth Coordinator

Sunday School Update: Christmas pageant rehearsal schedule

Dear St. John’s families,

We had a great time visiting with St. Nicholas last week! I think the kids really enjoyed hearing some interesting stories about his life and celebrating his saint day (Dec 6)!

This week we begin rehearsals for the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Pageant! We have found a fun new script that has plenty of speaking roles and some humor sprinkled in. This pageant is open to all children ages 3 and up. Given that this new pageant is inclusive to all children, we have decided to pause the Little Kids Pageant for the time being. We believe that a more streamlined holiday schedule will be less stressful and more joyful for everyone involved.

Here is the rehearsal/costuming schedule:

Dec. 15: Costuming before church; Rehearsal after church (45 min)—Sanctuary

Dec. 17: Costuming and pizza: 5 p.m.; Rehearsal 5:30–7 p.m.

Dec. 22: Costuming before church; Rehearsal during Sunday School

Please note that we will not be able to handle costuming during rehearsal time as we need all of the scheduled time for practice.

Children with larger speaking roles will need to commit to the above rehearsal schedule. Angels and Kings should come to at least one rehearsal. Animals do not need to attend rehearsals.  

I have sent the script to all families who have signed up for a role. If you did not receive the email and your child plans to participate, please let me know asap.

I’m looking forward to spending a wonderful holiday season with your children!

Alexis McElhiney



Sunday School Update: Christmas Pageant preparations

Dear St. John’s families,

This Sunday, the kids are learning about St. Nicholas during Sunday School and then will be treated to a surprise visit from him at coffee hour. He will share a story from his life and hand out some special treats!

This week, we’re also gearing up for the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Pageant and beginning costuming. We have found a fun new script that has plenty of speaking roles and some humor sprinkled in. This pageant will be open to all children ages 3 and up. Given that this new pageant is inclusive to all children, we have decided to pause the Little Kids Pageant for the time being. We believe that a more streamlined holiday schedule will be less stressful and more joyful for everyone involved.

We are currently looking for children/youth to fill the roles of Narrator, Innkeepers, Wife of Innkeeper, Shepherds, Kings, Angels, and Animals (including Mary’s donkey). Please let me know if your child is interested. While every child may not receive their first choice, there is a role for everyone! Please indicate your interest here.

Costuming begins this Sunday before and after church! Please note that we will not be able to handle costuming during rehearsal time as we need all of the scheduled time for practice.

Here is the rehearsal/costuming schedule:

Dec. 8: Costuming before and after church

Dec. 15: Costuming before church, Rehearsal after church (45 min.)

Dec. 17: Costuming 5 p.m., Rehearsal 5:30–7 p.m.

Dec. 22: Costuming before church, Rehearsal during Sunday School

Children with speaking roles (All roles except Angels, Animals, and Kings) will need to commit to the above rehearsal schedule. Children with other roles need to come to at least one rehearsal (more is better).

I’m looking forward to spending a wonderful holiday season with your children!



Sunday School Update: Entering Advent

Dear St. John’s families,

This week we enter into Advent, a season of waiting, expectation, and excitement to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

As we turn the page into this new season we have much to look forward to at church, some time-honored traditions and some new ones!

This week we will host the inter-generational Advent Wreath Workshop during coffee hour. This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to make an Advent wreath together to enjoy for the whole season at home. Candles and at-home prayers for each week are included. This is an event not to be missed!

On Dec. 8, St. Nicholas will be joining us at coffee hour for a special visit. This is always a hit with the kids, especially since treats are involved!

Lastly, I’m excited to announce that we have a brand new pageant that will take place at the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve service! We have found a fun new script that has plenty of speaking roles and some humor sprinkled in. This pageant will be open to all children ages 3 and up. Given that this new pageant is inclusive to all children, we have decided to pause the Little Kids Pageant for the time being. We believe that a more streamlined holiday schedule will be less stressful and more joyful for everyone involved.

Calling all budding actors and narrators!

We need children/youth to serve as narrators, Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, Innkeepers, Wife of Innkeeper, Shepherds, Kings, Angels, and Animals (including Mary’s donkey). Please let me know if your child is interested. While every child may not receive their first choice, there is a role for everyone! Please indicate your interest here.

Here is the preliminary schedule:

Dec. 8: Costuming after church

Dec. 15: Rehearsal after church

Dec. 18: Evening rehearsal

Dec. 22: Rehearsal during Sunday School

Children with speaking roles (all roles except Angels and Animals) will need to commit to the above rehearsal schedule. Non-speaking roles will need to commit to at least two rehearsals.

