Dear St. John’s parents,
Lent is the season when we prepare for Easter. The lesson this week (and the whole series of lessons called “The Faces of Easter”) helps children prepare for the Mystery of Easter. We move toward the Mystery by hearing the stories of Christ’s journey toward the cross and resurrection. This week’s presentation focuses on Jesus as the One who was lost then found.
In the Upper Elementary classroom, we will be learning the legend of the Lenten pretzel and making our own to sell at coffee hour! We make pretzels during Lent since there is no butter or eggs in them. Also they are shaped in a way similar to the way children used to fold their arms in prayer.
During Lent, we focus on three main tenets: prayer, giving, and fasting (or taking something on). Here is one giving opportunity.
Faith at Home!
Fr. Ed has put together a small book for the children in our Sunday School and their families, Praying Through Lent, following the Godly Play Faces of Easter series. Please use this resource each week in Lent for scripture readings and prayers. It can be found here.
Warm regards,