In Lent, we may expect to hear music in church that is softer, reserved, dim. Indeed, this season is the time of year that might be most challenging for a church musician to plan:
Choir to sing Evensong Feb. 23
Interim Organist/Choir Director gets his start
Brian Locke, Interim Organist and Choir Director for St. John’s, ran his first choir rehearsal Thursday night in Upper Weld Hall. He makes his debut Sunday morning at the 10 a.m. service at the celebration of the Baptism of our Lord. The service will feature George Brandon’s “Carol of the Baptism” and Peter Hallock’s “Baptism of Jesus.”
Organist Elisabeth “Buffy” Gray retires
Elisabeth “Buffy” Gray was celebrated Jan. 5, 2025, on the occasion of her retirement as Organist and Choirmaster of St. John’s. She has served in the role since 2015.
The Rev. Ed Thornley recognized her contributions to St. John’s during announcements, presenting Buffy and her husband Nick with an icon of St. John the Evangelist, and a copy of ancient music for the Mass of St. John the Evangelist.
For her final service, Buffy chose a personal favorite, “No Small Wonder” by Paul Edwards and Paul Wigmore, for the communion anthem. The entire congregation remained for her postlude, J.S. Bach’s “In dir ist Freude (In Thee is Joy),” and gave her a rousing ovation when she turned the organ off for the last time.
Buffy encouraged the congregation to sing in church. “God loves to hear your voice, even if you don’t!” she quipped.
During Coffee Hour, Buffy was, appropriately, honored in song by the choristers (and alumni) and the adult choir, which each sang a hymn adapted for the purpose.
On Saturday evening, Buffy was feted by both choirs at the Fickes home, and showered with many gifts befitting her vocations and avocations.
Before coming to St. John’s, Buffy served at St. Anne’s in-the-Fields in Lincoln, Mass., and Church of the Redeemer in Chestnut Hill. She also served as Interim Music Director at Christ Church, Cambridge as well as at All Saints, Ashmont. Before moving to Massachusetts, she served as Organist and Choir Director at St. George’s-by-the-River in Rumson, New Jersey.
Brian Locke has been appointed interim organist and choirmaster, starting Jan. 6.

Photos and story by Matthew Ginn
Advent Lessons and Carols
Please join the St. John’s Choir for the annual service of Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, Dec. 8 at 5 p.m. Through a series of Scripture readings emphasizing the loving purposes of God, interspersed with choir anthems and congregational hymns, this unique service draws us ever closer to the saving event of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Held during the season of anticipation, this is not a Christmas liturgy but one that points us toward the coming of the Prince of Peace. This long-standing parish tradition is followed by a candlelight reception in Upper Weld Hall.
Brian Locke introduced as Interim Organist
Dear friends,
I am delighted to announce our Interim Organist and Choirmaster for the New Year! Upon the retirement of Elisabeth “Buffy” Gray on Jan. 5, 2025, we will be welcoming Brian Locke as our new parish musician. In recent months, as we begin to celebrate and give thanks for Buffy’s music ministry among us, I have been working with several organizations to help us following our beloved Buffy’s departure. Brian’s name was immediately and enthusiastically recommended by numerous musicians and scholars in the church music world. Having met with Brian, and indeed witnessed several members of our parish getting to speak with him and hear him play, it was clear that he should be joining us. Following the Wardens’ and Vestry’s blessing, I am enormously grateful to Brian for him accepting this position.
Brian maintains a widely varied musical career as an organist, pianist, chamber musician, conductor, and vocal coach in addition to his daytime work in building operations and commercial real estate. Before his recent move to Boston last spring, Brian spent 10 years in Chicago and was Director of Music and Organist at St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Park Ridge, Ill. (2018-2024), where he grew choral participation by 60% and introduced cross-diocesan parish partnerships with other music programs to stem larger musical ventures from combined small parish choirs. Before serving St. Mary’s Church, he was assisting organist at St. James’ Cathedral, Chicago and previously served at the Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta and Trinity Cathedral, Columbia S.C. among others. Brian holds degrees from the University of South Carolina (B.M.) and the University of Michigan (M.M.), the latter granting him the prestigious collaborative piano degree with Martin Katz.
Brian will begin his tenure with us on Jan. 6, 2025. He will be visiting the parish at various points in the coming months to connect with our glorious choir and choristers, our wonderful choir librarian John Lanza, and to also work with me in planning our musical offerings for the remainder of the program year. Please join me in warmly welcoming Brian. We are extremely blessed to have a musician of such caliber and, as you will soon experience, such kindness and humor join us!
With every prayer and blessing,
Fr. Ed.
A Note from Brian:
To the good people of St. John’s, Hingham—I am honored and excited to join you as your interim Organist & Choirmaster in January 2025. The fine reputation of your active and loving parish is widely known, and I hope to lead you all musically with Godly love, with liturgical good taste, with a bit of humor, and with efforts to highlight and grow your already wonderful musical heritage. Special thanks to Fr. Ed and to Buffy, who have both been tremendously kind and helpful in the beginning stages of this new chapter. I’ll look forward to meeting all of you in the new year.
Humbly yours,
St. John’s Choir presents Choral Evensong
Join us for the beautiful service of Evensong next Sunday, October 27 at 5 p.m. Evensong provides a time of reflection at the close of day: time for prayer, time to hear the Word of God, and time to listen to and sing beautiful music in response. Come for a brief respite from all the busy-ness of life. St. John’s Choir will sing Charles Stanford’s glorious setting of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in B-flat, and Howells’ ethereal “A Hymn for St. Cecilia.” A reception will follow the service.
From the Rector: Buffy Gray to retire
Dear friends,
This week, I write to you to announce that our magnificent and profoundly gifted organist and choirmaster, Elisabeth “Buffy” Gray, has announced her retirement. Buffy will be serving among us until the new year, and her final Sunday in the parish will be The Feast of The Epiphany on January 5th 2025.
Buffy has served our community faithfully since 2015. As organist and choirmaster, she has brought not only a wealth of expertise and skill, but a joy, spirituality and pastoral attentiveness which has made her work here a true ministry. Buffy is a consummate musician, who has developed our choral program for adults and young choristers with exceptional care. She has taught, guided, and performed with meticulous attention to detail and with an authentic adoration for liturgical music and for God. This has indeed made St. John’s a place where congregations can truly worship God in the beauty of holiness. Our adult choir leads weekly worship gloriously, and our choristers are blessed with such a beautiful introduction to the world of church music. Buffy has also, in the process, maintained and cherished our instruments with precision and the highest regard, which will enable our parish to continue sharing in such wonderful, worshipful music for years to come.
At this time, we therefore also find ourselves at the beginning of another period of discernment and prayerful reflection. In conversation and collaboration with Buffy, Jody Jones Turner, our Senior Warden, and Perrie O’Tierney-Ginn, our Junior Warden, I have begun to contemplate and research the pathways we might take as we begin to consider who Buffy’s worthy successor might be. It is my intention to form a search committee, so that we may begin to research all the possible eventualities and soon begin the process which will lead to calling our new organist and choirmaster. I will certainly keep you all posted as this journey develops.
In the meantime, on behalf of the Wardens, Vestry, and our entire congregation and community, let us congratulate Buffy on her upcoming retirement, and give thanks for all her many gifts, with which she will continue to bless us in the coming months. Indeed, plans for more formal thanksgivings and celebrations will be shared in due course.
With every prayer, blessing, and incredible gratitude,
Father Ed.
A note from Buffy
Dear Friends in Christ,
After much consideration over the past year, I have decided that the time has come for me to retire from my position as Organist-Choirmaster at St. John’s. It will be very hard to leave after nearly ten years of fulfilling ministry and deep connections with so many of you. I have learned, however, that life is short. I am so ready to spend more time with my family and friends. I look forward to devoting more of my days to my non-musical passions of birding, hiking, and wildlife conservation.
I plan to continue working through Christmas and take my leave in early January. During this time, I will enjoy every minute of working with Fr. Ed (who is a gem) and St. John’s wonderful staff and choirs. No need for goodbyes yet, just many thanks for our time together thus far.
Make a joyful noise to the Lord!
Do you like to sing? Fall is a great time to join St. John's Choir. If you can carry a tune, you can sing in the choir. Bonus points if you can read music or have choral experience! All voice parts are welcome, especially tenors and basses. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:30. Contact Buffy Gray, Organist-Choirmaster, for more information during coffee hour or by email.
Does your child like to sing? Children in grades 3 through 8 are invited to join St. John's Choristers for musical education through singing and lots of fun. Rehearsals are on Tuesday afternoons at 4:00. Second-graders who are advanced readers and have a long attention span are welcome, too. Contact Buffy Gray, Organist-Choirmaster, for more information during coffee hour or by email.