Sunday School Update: Jesus heals

Dear St. John’s familes,

This week we continue to learn about the parables of Jesus as well as his miraculous healings. The stories this week are the Good Shepherd (Godly Play) and the Cleansing of the Lepers (Upper Elementary). When I taught the older kids last week the lesson of the Healing of the Paralytic, I was very impressed at how aware they are of people in our community with disabilities. We had a very good discussion about how we might be more inclusive and welcoming to everyone.

Thanks to all who attended the annual meeting last week. The magic show was a hit! I hope your children enjoyed it as much as I did!

Save the date of February 16th for our special valentines party! Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays because it’s all about love! Since Jesus taught us to love our neighbors, I think he would love the holiday too. The kids will be making valentines to take home and to share in church. If you’re lucky, you just might get one!

Other notes: If you have a pageant costume at home, please return it as soon as possible so we may pack away the costumes for next year.

Do you have sewing skills? We are in need of a few more angel costumes for next year. They can be made from a simple pattern and material which we will provide! Let me know if you’re interested!

Warm regards,


Alexis MacElhiney

Sunday School Director & Youth Coordinator