My Favorite Resources: 4 Tools For Faith At Home

Faith at Home can look like a lot of different things. From nightly prayers or saying grace before meals, to having a library full of religious books and a home altar and dozens of iterations as unique as our families, we all approach this matter in different ways. In general, though, on of the most valuable tools families have when trying to develop and maintain such religious practices is the ability to turn to the church community for support when you have questions.

Even though we’re only going on respite for two weeks, knowing where to turn within the wider church when you need new ideas can be an enormous benefit - I know it is for me. These are X of my favorite resources for seeking inspiration and honing my ideas.

  • BuildFaith is a Ministry of Virginia Theological Seminary, and home to ideas suitable for people of all ages, for home use and church programming. Their categorization and tagging system can help you easily navigate what they have to offer.

  • Newsletters: I know, I know. We all get too much email, and I’m someone who spends her existence very far from “inbox zero.” That being said, there are a few newsletters I get that are overflowing with good ideas. Some of my favorites include Glenys Nellist’s monthly “Links to Lovely Things,” Traci Smith’s weekly “Seven Things,” and “X Ways into Sunday’s Stories for Children” from Trinity Wall Street, which you can also find on their website.

  • Video! The Godly Play Foundation has a great YouTube channel with many of their stories professionally recorded. Beautifully told by trainers from the US, Canada, and even by international trainers in their local languages, these videos can help your family come closer to these stories together.

  • Music: You know the annual Spotify roundups where they tell you about your listening habits? I’m what you would call a heavy user, typically in the top 1% of Spotify subscribers. Besides the meditative tunes I sleep to at night, this habit is in part because I listen to a lot of Christian music as I move through my day. I recommend Rend Co. Kids, Rain for Roots, Seeds Family Worship, and Page CXVI, which actually has a lullaby album.

You don’t have to do anything special to create opportunities to grow in faith as a family. In fact, making these moments integral to your daily life such that worship is a bodily posture, a way of living seamlessly into grace, can be the most powerful practice of all.