Dialogue and Donuts, led by Wayne Eckerson. You’ve been through multiple years of Sunday School and don’t want to go back. Yet, you want to spend time with friends or acquaintances whom you have met at St. Johns. And perhaps, in a still dark moment in the middle of the night (or maybe broad daylight), you have questions: Is there really a God? Why did miracles happen in the Bible but no longer? Did Noah really have an ark? What happens when we die? What existed before the “big bang”? What’s the purpose of my life? Dialogue and Donuts is a safe haven to ask any and all questions about the meaning of life, the existence of God, and your own spirituality. It’s also a place of fellowship aided by an ample supply of donuts. To foster a meditative spirit, we’ll use contemporary music, videos, and literature to engage in a wide-ranging dialogue about issues you normally don’t discuss in school. Even if you don’t have “deep” thoughts or questions, you’ll enjoy this refreshing change of pace from the normal teenage banter. Sessions are 45-60 minutes and take place during church (grades 7 and 8) or right after church (grades 9-12) in the youth group room in Lower Weld Hall: Sundays, November 17th and 24th, and December 1st and 8th.