October 15, 2023
Dear Fellow Parishioner,
It’s really coming together, don’t you think?
In September, we jumped back into a new season filled with beloved traditions and new offerings. We hope you have taken advantage of the many opportunities to worship, serve, and be in community with one another. Our freshly updated and polished Church campus shines brighter when you are in it!
We are reaching out today to ask you to make a pledge to support St. John the Evangelist again in 2024.
Everything we do at St John’s … every service, every program, every church school class, every bit of outreach can only happen with the financial support of our parishioners.
The pledge you make today allows us to plan for 2024. Your financial commitment will ensure that we can continue to offer the amazing worship services, educational offerings, and outreach opportunities that make our church community so robust and special.
As we continue the important work of searching for our next rector, we ask that you prayerfully consider your pledge.
About Pledging at St. John’s
What is a “pledge?”
A pledge is a commitment to support St. John’s Evangelist financially in 2024. Pledges help this community sustain and grow. You are welcome here, and your pledge helps us extend that welcome to others. Your pledge to St. John’s says, “I am part of this community and I want to show that this parish and its values are important to me.”
Why does my pledge mean so much to St. John’s?
At St. John’s, we depend almost exclusively on pledges to fund and fulfill our mission. Indeed, unlike some denominations, we receive no money from the Diocese or National Church. Quite the opposite: we pay an annual assessment to help fund the ministry of the wider church.
How do I decide how much to pledge to St. John’s?
Your giving is as personal as your prayer life, and only you can know what is right for you at this stage of your journey. The important thing is to make a heartfelt commitment. You’ll find that as St. John’s grows, you are growing too.
Who sees my pledge?
The only people who see your pledge, besides God, are the Stewardship Chair, the Parish Treasurer, and the Parish Administrator. Pledges are kept in strict confidence.
With whom may I speak for additional information?
Feel free to be in touch with either Nancy Holtschlag (office@stjohns-hingham.org), Tom Pyles (tjpyles@email.com) or Stewardship Chair Alyson Molloy Hussey (alyson.molloyhussey@gmail.com)
How do I pledge?
We ask you to tell us about your pledge by completing the enclosed pledge card or online at www.stjohns-hingham.org/give-online
When should I pledge?
Since pledges make up the overwhelming majority of our yearly budget, it is important we know about your pledge as soon as possible (ideally by the end of October) so we can accurately plan for our 2024 ministries and programs.
What is the average pledge at St. John’s?
The average pledge at St. John’s is between $2,500 and $3,000 per year, or about $50 per week.