We need your help with B-SAFE 2021 this summer!
As part of St. John’s Outreach ministries, St. John's has been an active partner church for 22 years supporting the children and families of St. Stephen’s B-SAFE program (the Bishop’s Summer Academic and Fun Enrichment program) in Boston. St. John’s will be supporting B-SAFE this summer on Wednesday 7/14, Thursday 7/15, and Friday 7/16 by providing and serving 3 days of lunches & snacks, and a Friday outing. Some opportunities to help are listed below and can sign up here.
Food Servers needed: serving lunches at St. Stephen’s/South End on Wed 7/14 and Thurs 7/15; and St. John’s/Hingham on Fri 7/16. Chaperones needed: chaperoning Fri 7/16 morning or afternoon walking tours to World’s End (Hingham) or Holly Hill Farm (Cohasset) Make-a-Lunch: sign up to cook or donate FOOD for Friday 7/16 picnic at St. John’s.
Fund-a-Lunch ($25): Donate to help pay for 280 lunches purchased from Boston minority-owned restaurants for Wed 7/14 and Thurs. 7/15. Click here to donate via the church PayPal account. Please contact Sue Hess with any questions via e-mail or phone at 617-686-1916. This is a terrific opportunity to impact the lives of some amazing children through the ministry of St. John's. Thank you for helping us make a difference.