About Our Organ
Our organ was built by the Aeolian-Skinner Company of Boston in 1965 and was refurbished by Foley-Baker of Connecticut in 2008. The instrument consists of three manual divisions plus pedal.
16’ Gemshorn, 8’ Diapason, 8’ Rohrflöte, 8’ Gemshorn, 4’ Ocatve, 2 2/3’ Twelfth, 2’ Fifteenth, 8’ Trompette
8’ Viola Pomposa, 8’ Viole Celeste, 4’ Prestant, III Plein Jeu, 16’ Bombarde, 8’ Trumpet, 4’ Fagot, Swell 16', Swell 4', Tremulant
16’ Gedackt, 8’ Gedackt, 8’ Flauto Dolce, 8’ Flute Celeste, 4’ Koppelflöte, 2 2/3’ Nazard, 2’ Blockflöte, 1 3/5’ Terz, 8’ Clarinet, Choir 16 ', Choir 4', Tremulant, Zimbelstern
32’ Resultant, 16’ Contra Bass, 16’ Gemshorn, 16’ Gedackt, 10 2/3’ Quinte, 8’ Octave, 8’ Gedackt, 8’ Gemshorn, 4’ Choralbass, 4’ Gedackt, 16’ Bombarde, 8’ Trompette, 8' Clarinet, 4’ Fagot,
250 Levels of Memory, 12 General Pistons and Toe Studs, 6 Great Pistons
6 Swell Pistons
6 Choir Pistons
6 Pedal Pistons
Settable Crescendo